Book Clubs: Black Girls Read-Mississippi!

Thank you to BLACK GIRLS READ-MISSISSIPPI for inviting me to Skype with your readers last Saturday!
The girls had already read my book, Lana & the Water Carrier. And they came ready to talk! They had lots of smart questions (and strong opinions!) about the book!
I loved hearing about how these girls relate individually to Lana--a quirky girl with wild hair, who loves baseball and the color pink...and refuses to wear shoes!
I also loved hearing about what kinds of things they are up to and dreaming about doing in the future.
What an amazing group of girls! It was a total delight to spend time with them...(Apologies for the grainy pic!)
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If you run a book club for girls or have a daughter who's a member of a book club, I'd be delighted to do a courtesy Skype call with them. And if you're in the Atlanta metro area, I might be available to appear in person!
Here's what we'd do:

1. Typically, after they've already read my book, Lana & the Water Carrier, they can ask me any questions they wish about it. We can also explore the various themes of the book, based on the Readers Club Questions found on my website.
2. They can also ask me questions about what it's like to work as a NASA engineer, a lawyer, or an author. We can even brainstorm together on how each girl can combine her various interests into potential careers.
It's a fun and interactive way to get girls thinking and talking!
Just reach out to me via the contact form below. Thanks!

--Morgan Young, STEM Author